Project coordinator

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (CIMH) is the Project Coordinator of IMAGEMEND. The deputy Coordinator is Dr. Emanuel Schwarz. The coordinator is responsible for the overall scientific progress of the project and the quality of the results, and for the timely submission of all required documents and reports to the EC. As the overall leader of the project, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg is the chair of the Steering Committee and the General Assembly.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Central Institute for Mental Health
Head of Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Director CIMH
Imaging genetics, translational imaging, schizophrenia
Phone: +49 621 1703 2001
Fax:+49 621 1703 2005


Emanuel Schwarz, Ph.D
Central Institute for Mental Health
Co-Coordinator IMAGEMEND
Phone: +49 621 1703 6516


Project Management Office (PMO)

The project management office (coordinator and concentris) is located both at concentris in Fürstenfeldbruck and with the coordinator in Mannheim whereas the coordinator is mainly dealing with the scientific management and concentris is taking care of the administrative, financial and contractual management and other organisational tasks. The PMO is the central node of communication for IMAGEMEND.

The project manager (administrative, organisational and financial management) is Dr. Ameli Schwalber at concentris.


Dr. Ameli Schwalber

concentris research management gmbh
Project manager: IMAGEMEND

Phone: +49 (0)8141 625 285 71
Fax: +49 (0)8141 625285 77