deCODE genetics
Population genetics
Sturlugata 8
IS-101 Reykjavík, Iceland

Project leader

Dr. Hreinn Stefansson
Phone: +354-5701947
Fax: +354-5701901

Project staff

Dr. Andres Ingason
Phone: +354-5701900
Fax: +354-5701901

Dr. Stacy Steinberg
Phone: +354-5701900
Fax: +354-5701901

Bragi Walters
Phone: +354-5701900
Fax: +354-5701901

Dr. Magnús Örn Úlfarsson
Phone: 354-5701900
Fax: 354-5701901

Institute presentation

deCODE genetics is a global leader in analyzing and understanding the human genome. Using its unique expertise and population resources, deCODE has discovered genetic risk factors for dozens of common diseases. The purpose of understanding the genetics of disease is to use that information to create new means of diagnosing, treating and preventing disease.